Eliza's Generation SERVE Story
Hi, I’m Eliza! I’m 21 years old and currently attending Brigham Young University. I got involved through the Generation SERVE Teen Leadership Program in 2016. Little did I know just how much of an impact a summer program would have on my life.

Generation Serve is a big part of who I am. I am currently finishing up a proposal for a large company to add ending homelessness in Austin to their community outreach. This class project was inspired by my experiences with helping people experiencing homelessness in Austin with Generation SERVE. My favorite part of the Teen Leadership Program were all the different places I got to volunteer and later, lead activities. I remember how much my eyes were opened to other situations and people. I grew in compassion, confidence, empathy, and initiative.
Generation SERVE is priceless to me. I wrote about my time at Generation SERVE in my college and scholarship essays, which granted me admission to my first-choice school and a full-ride scholarship. I still have these experiences on my resume and talk about it in interviews. I will be forever grateful for what Generation SERVE gave me and how it prepared me for college and future employment. I am confident that as I grow older, the skills I learned will continue to be relevant.

Generation Serve was an important catalyst for me to become the person I am today. Photo left: Eliza leading a Generation SERVE activity in 2017.
Will you give to Generation SERVE this holiday season so other teens can have experiences like I did? Our goal is to raise $7500 by the end of the year! No matter the size of your contribution, it is helping shape the future of Austin’s community and beyond.-Eliza